“Need work. Need help. Seriously lost.”
“I think it’s because they need a job for one and because I’m young and fit and no dependencies I’m on the bottom of the priority list but it’s killing my mental health.
I write my C.V.’s like this because I don’t have anything to put on it,
I worked as a motorbike mechanic for 2 years but that was from the start of year 9 to the end of high school on a course and my boss stopped picking me up 2ish weeks before I was supposed to finnish and left me with no grades or experience proof.
Very fast learner and hard worker.
Can I afford not to be?
Any Chances?”
pode ser o meu currículo, principalmente a parte em que menciona não haver provas de sua experiência...
e a parte de "teaching him cooking and social skills" é a cara da minha família, só acrescentaria aí uma sociedade que no lugar de ensinar, desencaminhou, distorceu, bando de playboys de classe média alta...
e fizeram isso rindo e colocando na televisão, claro, escondendo nomes, fatos e locais...